Parameter Estimation


An essential part of the testing procedure implemented by distfreereg() is the estimation of the model’s parameters. When using the lm or nls methods, or the corresponding formula methods, parameter estimation is handled using the modeling functions themselves. Below is the setup used as needed thereafter.

n <- 3e2
true_mean <- function(X, theta) exp(theta[1]*X[,1]) - theta[2]*X[,2]^2
test_mean <- true_mean
theta <- c(3,-2)
Sigma <- rWishart(1, df = n, Sigma = diag(n))[,,1]
X <- matrix(rnorm(2*n), nrow = n)
Y <- distfreereg:::f2ftheta(true_mean, X)(theta) +
  distfreereg:::rmvnorm(n = n, reps = 1, SqrtSigma = distfreereg:::matsqrt(Sigma))

dfr_1 <- distfreereg(test_mean = test_mean, Y = Y, X = X,
                     covariance = list(Sigma = Sigma),
                     theta_init = rep(1, length(theta)))

Modifying the Method

For the function method, parameters are estimated using the optim() function by default. The default optimization method is BFGS, which works well for many cases. The method can be changed using the control argument of distfreereg(). For example, if we know beforehand that θ = (θ1, θ2) satisfies 2 ≤ θ1 ≤ 4 and −3 ≤ θ2 ≤ −1,

dfr_2 <- update(dfr_1, control = list(
  optimization_args = list(method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(2,-3), upper = c(4,-1))))

identical(dfr_1$theta_hat, dfr_2$theta_hat)
## [1] FALSE
all.equal(dfr_1$theta_hat, dfr_2$theta_hat)
## [1] "Mean relative difference: 0.0001865232"

The results are not identical, but are nearly so.

Estimating the Precision of Parameter Estimates

To estimate the precision with which the parameters have been estimated, vcov() has a distfreereg method. When test_mean is a formula, an lm object, or an nls object, the model is supplied to vcov() for appropriate method dispatch. When test_mean is a function, then the method described in Vaart (2007) is applied.

##              theta1       theta2
## theta1 2.226767e-07 2.892374e-05
## theta2 2.892374e-05 6.410426e-03

An analogous method exists for confint(), which uses this covariance matrix to calculate confidence intervals at a stated confidence level:

confint(dfr_1, level = 0.9)
## $ci
##              5 %      95 %
## theta1  2.999730  3.001282
## theta2 -2.131274 -1.867883
## $vcov
##              theta1       theta2
## theta1 2.226767e-07 2.892374e-05
## theta2 2.892374e-05 6.410426e-03

Note that this method returns the result of vcov() as well as the confidence intervals, since the calculations in vcov() can be computationally expensive, and since the covariance matrix is used to calculate the confidence intervals, it is included in this output to avoid requiring a separate call to vcov() in case its results are also desired.

Using a Different Optimization Function

By default, distfreereg.function() uses optim() to estimate the model’s parameters. Suppose, however, we wanted to use nlminb() instead. (This function is selected to illustrate the use of another optimization function only, and is not an implicit recommendation.) We can use distfreereg()’s control argument to do this.

For a given optimization function, we need three things:

  1. The name of the argument that specifies the function to be minimized.

  2. The name of the argument that specifies the starting parameter values.

  3. The name of the element in the returned value that contains the parameter estimates.

In the case of nlminb(), a review of the help page indicates that these are “objective”, “start”, and “par”, respectively. We supply these three names, along with the function nlminb itself, to the control argument as follows.

dfr_3 <- update(dfr_1, control = list(optimization_fun = nlminb,
                                      fun_to_optimize_arg = "objective",
                                      theta_init_arg = "start",
                                      theta_hat_name = "par"))

Once again, these are not identical, but are nearly so.

identical(dfr_1$theta_hat, dfr_3$theta_hat)
## [1] FALSE
all.equal(dfr_1$theta_hat, dfr_3$theta_hat)
## [1] "Mean relative difference: 4.78406e-05"

Detailed Output from the Optimization Process

Detailed output from optim(), helpful for diagnosing some parameter estimation problems, is found in the optimization_output element of the output:

## $par
##    theta1    theta2 
##  3.000507 -1.999340 
## $objective
## [1] 308.6614
## $convergence
## [1] 0
## $iterations
## [1] 16
## $evaluations
## function gradient 
##       27       37 
## $message
## [1] "relative convergence (4)"

Checking Compatibility of Arguments

Before optimizing, distfreereg.function() verifies that the mean function can be evaluated at theta_init. This will detect some problems but does not guarantee compatibility. This should be kept in mind when an opaque error message arises. In the first example below, the starting vector is too short. This error is caught by the initial validation. In the second example, though, the initial validation is passed, but a later step produces an error.

try(update(dfr_1, theta_init = 1))# starting parameter vector too short!
## Error in validate_numeric(x = f_out, len = n, message = "Test function output failed numeric validation: ") : 
##   Test function output failed numeric validation: f_out cannot have NA values
try(update(dfr_1, theta_init = rep(1, 3)))# starting parameter vector too long!
## Error in value[[3L]](cond) : 
##   Unable to invert square root of J^tJ: Error in value[[3L]](cond): Unable to invert mat: Error in solve.default(mat, tol = tol): Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular: U[3,3] = 0

The Importance of Normality of Parameter Estimates

The theory behind the test implemented by distfreereg() requires that the parameter estimates be approximately normally distributed around the true parameter value. With regularity assumptions on the test mean function, this is true in theory, but it must also be sufficiently close to true in practice. This requires good optimization algorithms. In the example below, something goes awry.

The Setup

In this example, we use a different error generating function from the default, specifically one that uses a block-diagonal covariance matrix and generates errors corresponding to each block using a multivariate t distribution. Further, we use the default method for optim(), namely Nelder–Mead.

First, define the function and true parameter vector.

true_func <- function(X, theta) theta[1] + theta[2]*X[,1] + X[,1]^2
theta <- c(2,5)

Next, define the error distribution function. This first specifies the dimension matdim of the blocks. The function block_t() generates the errors by repeated calls to mvtnorm::rmvt() with the appropriate scale matrix to obtain the correct covariance structure. (Recall that the errors for each repetition done by compare() are stored in the columns of the error matrix.)

matdim <- 10
block_t <- function(n, reps, blocks, df){
  output <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = reps)
  for(i in seq_len(reps))
    output[,i] <- as.vector(sapply(blocks, function(x) mvtnorm::rmvt(1, df = df, sigma = x*(df-2)/df)))

Finally, define a function that extracts the parameter estimates from a distfreereg object, and a function that generates covariates, a covariance matrix, and then runs compare().

get_theta_hat <- function(dfr) dfr$theta_hat

create_cdfr <- function(n){
  X <- as.matrix(rexp(n, rate = 1))
  Sig_list <- lapply(1:(n/matdim), function(x) rWishart(1, df = matdim, diag(matdim))[,,1])
  Sig <- as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(Sig_list))
  return(compare(theta = theta,
                 true_mean = true_func, test_mean = true_func,
                 true_X = X, X = X,
                 true_covariance = list(Sigma = Sig), covariance = list(Sigma = Sig),
                 theta_init = c(1,1),
                 err_dist_fun = block_t,
                 err_dist_args = list(blocks = Sig_list, df = 4),
                 reps = 1e3,
                 prog = Inf,
                 manual = get_theta_hat,
                 control = list(optimization_args = list(method = "Nelder-Mead")))

The Simulation

Now, we set the seed, run the simulation, and extract the saved parameter estimates.

cdfr_seed14 <- create_cdfr(400)
theta_seed14_1 <- sapply(cdfr_seed14$manual, function(x) x[[1]])
theta_seed14_2 <- sapply(cdfr_seed14$manual, function(x) x[[2]])

Since we are using the same function for true_mean and test_mean, the cumulative distribution functions of the observed and simulated statistics should be nearly the same. The following plot is therefore alarming.


We can see that there is a problem with the parameter estimates, namely that their densities are not approximately normally distributed about the true parameter values.



The Most Likely Source of the Problem

The problem does seem to be the use of Nelder–Mead here, since the default method selected by distfreereg(), namely BFGS, does not result in such distributions in similar cases. This is, of course, no guarantee that BFGS will alway be better, but it does appear to be a more sensible default for this application.

Two Possible Objections

The keen-eyed reader will note two possible objections to the analysis above: perhaps the sample size is insufficient, and perhaps the input of set.seed() was carefully selected to obtain these results.

The first of these objections can be addressed by showing the results with a different seed, where the plots suggest no problems.

cdfr_seed1 <- create_cdfr(400)
theta_seed1_1 <- sapply(cdfr_seed1$manual, function(x) x[[1]])
theta_seed1_2 <- sapply(cdfr_seed1$manual, function(x) x[[2]])



A formal test that the samples have come from the same distribution is also reassuring.

##  Asymptotic two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data:  cdfr_seed1[["observed_stats"]][["KS"]] and cdfr_seed1[["mcsim_stats"]][["KS"]]
## D = 0.0398, p-value = 0.1122
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided

The second possible objection, namely that the seed was carefully selected to produce these results, is only half true. It was selected, but not particularly carefully. Considering integers from 1 to 15 as inputs to set.seed(), at least 7, 9, 10, and 13 produce poor results. The phenomenon is not difficult to reproduce.


Vaart, A. W. (2007), Asymptotic statistics, Cambridge series on statistical and probabilistic mathematics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.