Package 'distfreereg'

Title: Distribution-Free Goodness-of-Fit Testing for Regression
Description: Implements distribution-free goodness-of-fit regression testing for the mean structure of parametric models introduced in Khmaladze (2021) <doi:10.1007/s10463-021-00786-3>.
Authors: Jesse Miller [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Jesse Miller <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 1.0.1
Built: 2025-02-17 03:17:07 UTC

Help Index

Distribution-Free Goodness-of-Fit Testing for Regression


Implements distribution-free goodness-of-fit regression testing for the mean structure of parametric models introduced in Khmaladze (2021) <doi:10.1007/s10463-021-00786-3>.



Package: distfreereg
Type: Package
Title: Distribution-Free Goodness-of-Fit Testing for Regression
Version: 1.0.1
Depends: R (>= 4.4)
Imports: clue, methods, numDeriv
Suggests: knitr, Matrix, mvtnorm, rmarkdown
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Date: 2024-11-12
Authors@R: person(given = "Jesse", family = "Miller", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "[email protected]")
Maintainer: Jesse Miller <[email protected]>
Description: Implements distribution-free goodness-of-fit regression testing for the mean structure of parametric models introduced in Khmaladze (2021) <doi:10.1007/s10463-021-00786-3>.
License: GPL-3
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-11-14 22:40:13 UTC; Jesse
Author: Jesse Miller [aut, cre]
Date/Publication: 2024-11-18 23:50:16 UTC
RemoteRef: HEAD
RemoteSha: 11b2169aa72c3b8b308b172f42a16bc7226382e1

Index of help topics:

coef.distfreereg        Extract Estimated Parameters from 'distfreereg'
compare                 Compare the simulated statistic distribution
                        with the observed statistic distribution used
                        in distribution-free parametric regression
confint.distfreereg     Calculate Confidence Intervals with a
                        'distfreereg' Object
distfreereg             Distribution-Free Parametric Regression Testing
distfreereg-package     Distribution-Free Goodness-of-Fit Testing for
fitted.distfreereg      Extract Fitted Values from 'distfreereg'
formula.distfreereg     Extract Formulas from 'distfreereg' Objects         Formally Compare Observed and Simulated
                        Statistics            Summary and Diagnostic Plots for 'compare'
plot.distfreereg        Summary and Diagnostic Plots for 'distfreereg'
predict.distfreereg     Generate Predicted Values from 'distfreereg'
print.distfreereg       Printing 'distfreereg' Objects
rejection               Compute Rejection Rates of a Distribution-Free
residuals.distfreereg   Extract Residuals from 'distfreereg' Objects
update.distfreereg      Update 'distfreereg' Objects
vcov.distfreereg        Calculate Covariance Matrices from
                        'distfreereg' Objects

Further information is available in the following vignettes:

v1_introduction An Introduction to the `distfreereg` Package (source, pdf)
v2_compare Comparing Distributions with the `distfreereg` Package (source, pdf)
v3_plotting Plotting with the `distfreereg` Package (source, pdf)
v4_parameter-estimation Parameter Estimation (source, pdf)
v5_advanced-options Advanced Options for `distfreereg` Package (source, pdf)


Jesse Miller [aut, cre]

Maintainer: Jesse Miller <[email protected]>

Extract Estimated Parameters from distfreereg Objects


This is a coef method for objects of class distfreereg. It extracts the estimated parameters from a model in a distfreereg object.


## S3 method for class 'distfreereg'
coef(object, ...)



Object of class distfreereg.


Additional parameters passed to or from other methods. Currently ignored.


Numeric vector of estimated model parameters.


Jesse Miller

See Also

distfreereg, vcov.distfreereg, confint.distfreereg

Compare the simulated statistic distribution with the observed statistic distribution used in distribution-free parametric regression testing


Simulate response data repeatedly with true_mean as the mean and true_covariance as the covariance structure, each time running distfreereg on the simulated data. The observed statistics and p-values are saved, as are the simulated statistics from the first replication.

See the Comparing Distributions with the distfreereg Package vignette for an introduction.


compare(true_mean, true_method = NULL, true_method_args = NULL, true_covariance,
	true_X = NULL, true_data = NULL, theta, n = NULL, reps = 1e3, prog = reps/10,
	err_dist_fun = rmvnorm, err_dist_args = NULL, keep = NULL, manual = NULL,
	update_args = NULL, global_override = NULL, ...)



Object specifying the mean structure of the true model. It is used to generate the true values of Y that are passed internally to distfreereg.


Character vector of length one; specifies the method to use to create a model. Valid options are "lm" and "nls".


Optional list; values are passed to the function specified by true_method.


Named list; specifies the covariance structures of the true error distribution in the format described in the documentation for the covariance argument of distfreereg.

true_X, true_data

Optional numeric matrix or data frame, respectively; specifies the covariate values for the true model. true_X is used when the model is specified by a function that has an X or x argument, and the data argument is used with formulas or other objects with a formula method.


Numeric vector; used as the (true) parameter values for the model with mean function true_mean.


Optional integer; indicates how long each simulated data vector should be. Required only when no covariate values are specified for either the true or test mean. Silently converted to integer if numeric.


Integer; specifies number of replications. Silently converted to integer if numeric.


Integer or Inf; if finite, a progress message is given when the current repetition is a multiple of prog. Default value is reps/10, unless reps is less than 10, in which case the default is changed to 1. If Inf, no prgress messages are given. Silently converted to integer if finite numeric.


Function; specifies the function to be used to simulate errors. See details.


Optional list; specifies additional named arguments to pass to err_dist_fun.


A vector of integers, or the character string "all". If not NULL, then the output of each replication's call to distfreereg is included in the output if its repetition number is included in keep. Using keep = "all" is equivalent to keep = 1:reps.


Optional function; applied to the distfreereg object created in each iteration, whose output is saved in the list manual in the output.


Optional named list; specifies arguments to pass to update.distfreereg.


Optional named list; specifies arguments to pass to the override argument of distfreereg on each call to that function.


Additional arguments passed to distfreereg. See details.


This function allows the user to explore the asymptotic behavior of the distributions involved in the test conducted by distfreereg. If the sample size is sufficiently large, and assuming that the true covariance matrix of the errors is known, then the observed and simulated statistics have nearly the same distribution. How large the sample size must be depends on the details of the situation. This function can be used to determine how large the sample size must be to obtain approximately equal distributions, and to estimate the power of the test against a specific alternative.

The user specifies a particular true model, comprising a mean function true_mean and an error generating function err_dist_fun, to generate the data. The user also specifies a test model, comprising a mean function test_mean and a covariance structure specified by covariance, to pass to distfreereg to test. For each repetition, compare simulates data using true_mean as the mean function and err_dist_fun to generate the errors. The covariance matrix of the errors is specified using true_covariance. (See below for more details.) This simulated data is passed as Y (or as part of data) to distfreereg.

The true_covariance argument specifies the covariance structure that is available to err_dist_fun for generating errors. The needs of err_dist_fun can vary (for example, the default function uses SqrtSigma to generate multivariate normal errors), so any one of the matrices Sigma, SqrtSigma, P, and Q (defined in the documentation of distfreereg) can be specified. Any matrix needed by err_dist_fun is calculated automatically if not supplied.

The value of err_dist_fun must be a function whose output is a numeric matrix with n rows and reps columns. Each column is used as the vector of errors in one repetition. The error function's arguments can include the special values n, reps, Sigma, SqrtSigma, P, and Q. These arguments are automatically assigned their corresponding values from the values passed to compare. For example, the default value rmvnorm uses SqrtSigma to generate multivariate normal values with mean 0 and covariance Sigma.

The argument keep is useful for diagnosing problems, but caution should be used lest a very large object be created. It is often sufficient to save the distfreereg objects from only the first few replications.

For more specialized needs, the manual argument allows the calculation and saving of objects during each repetition. For example, using manual = function(x) residuals(x) will save the (raw) residuals from each repetition.

The first repetition creates a distfreereg object. During each subsequent repetition, this object is passed to update.distfreereg to create a new object. The update_args argument can be used to modify this call.

If necessary, global_override can be used to pass an override argument to distfreereg in each repetition. For example, using gobal_override = list(theta_hat = theta) forces the estimated parameter vector used in the test in each call to be the true parameter vector theta.


An object of class compare with the following components:


The matched call.


The vector of mean values for the simulated responses.


The matrix whose columns contain the errors used for the corresponding repetitions.


Supplied vector of parameter values.


Supplied object specifying the true mean function.


List containing element(s) that specify the true covariance structure.


Supplied matrix of true covariate values.


Supplied data frame of true covariate values.


Supplied object specifying the mean function being tested.


List containing element(s) that specify the test covariance structure.


Supplied matrix of test covariate values.


Supplied data frame of test covariate values.


The observed statistics collected in each repetition.


The simulated statistics from the first repetition. (They are the same for each repetition, because compare uses update.distfreereg.)


The p-values for the observed statistics.


A list containing the outputs of distfreereg for repetitions specified in keep. Included when keep is not NULL.


A list containing the results of the function specified by the argument manual. Included when manual argument is not NULL.


Some of the processing of the elements of true_covariance is analogous to the processing of covariance by distfreereg. Any values of solve_tol and symmetric specified in distfreereg's control argument are used by compare to similar effect in processing true_covariance.

The presence of call in the value allows a compare object to be passed to update.


Jesse Miller

See Also

distfreereg, rejection,,


n <- 100
func <- function(X, theta) theta[1] + theta[2]*X
Sig <- rWishart(1, df = n, Sigma = diag(n))[,,1]
theta <- c(2,5)
X <- matrix(rexp(n, rate = 1))
# In practice, 'reps' should be much larger
cdfr <- compare(true_mean = func, true_X = X, true_covariance = list(Sigma = Sig),
                test_mean = func, X = X, covariance = list(Sigma = Sig),
                reps = 10, prog = Inf, theta = theta, theta_init = rep(1, length(theta)))


Calculate Confidence Intervals with a distfreereg Object


This is a confint method for objects of class distfreereg. It calculates confidence intervals for the estimated parameters of a model in a distfreereg object.


## S3 method for class 'distfreereg'
confint(object, parm, level = 0.95, ..., digits = 3)



Object of class distfreereg.


Numeric or character vector; specifies which parameters are to be given confidence intervals. If missing, all parameters are considered.


Numeric vector of length one; specifies the confidence level.


Additional parameters passed to other methods. Currently ignored.


Numeric vector of length one; used to format percentage labels. Silently converted to an integer.


This is a slight reworking of confint.default. The primary difference is that when object$test_mean is a function, the return value from vcov.distfreereg is included in the output, since its calculation can be computationally expensive and this prevents users from needing to call vcov separately for its output.


If object$test_mean is not a function, then the output is a named numeric matrix each row of which gives the endpoints of the requested confidence interval of its corresponding parameter. If object$test_mean is a function, then the output is a named list with the previously defined matrix as its first element and the output of vcov(object) as its second.


If object was created by calling distfreereg.default directly, there is no estimated parameter vector, and therefore confint.distfreereg does not apply.


Jesse Miller

See Also

distfreereg, vcov.distfreereg

Distribution-Free Parametric Regression Testing


Conduct distribution-free parametric regression testing using the process introduced in Khmaladze (2021). A parametric model for the conditional mean (specified by test_mean) is checked against the data by fitting the model, transforming the resulting residuals, and then calculating a statistic on the empirical partial sum process of the transformed residuals. The statistic's null distribution can be simulated in a straight-forward way, thereby producing a p-value.

Using ff to denote the mean function being tested, the specific test has the following null and alternative hypotheses:

H0 ⁣: θΘRpE(YX)=f(X;θ)againstH1 ⁣: θΘRpE(YX)f(X;θ).H_0\colon\ \exists\theta\in\Theta\subseteq\mathbb R^p \mathrel{\bigl|} \textrm{E}(Y| X)=f(X;\theta) \quad\hbox{against}\quad H_1\colon\ \forall\theta\in\Theta\subseteq\mathbb R^p \mathrel{\bigl|} \textrm{E}(Y| X)\neq f(X;\theta).

See the An Introduction to the distfreereg Package vignette for an introduction.


distfreereg(test_mean, ordering = "simplex", group = FALSE,
	stat = c("KS", "CvM"), B = 1e4, control = NULL, override = NULL, verbose = TRUE,

	## Default S3 method:
distfreereg(test_mean = NULL, ordering = "simplex", group = FALSE,
	stat = c("KS", "CvM"), B = 1e4, control = NULL, override = NULL, verbose = TRUE,
	..., Y, X = NULL, covariance, J, fitted_values)

	## S3 method for class 'formula'
distfreereg(test_mean, ordering = "simplex", group = FALSE,
	stat = c("KS", "CvM"), B = 1e4, control = NULL, override = NULL, verbose = TRUE,
	..., data, covariance = NULL, method = "lm", theta_init = NULL)

	## S3 method for class 'function'
distfreereg(test_mean, ordering = "simplex", group = FALSE,
	stat = c("KS", "CvM"), B = 1e4, control = NULL, override = NULL, verbose = TRUE,
	..., Y, X = NULL, covariance, theta_init)

	## S3 method for class 'lm'
distfreereg(test_mean, ordering = "simplex", group = FALSE,
	stat = c("KS", "CvM"), B = 1e4, control = NULL, override = NULL, verbose = TRUE,

	## S3 method for class 'nls'
distfreereg(test_mean, ordering = "simplex", group = FALSE,
	stat = c("KS", "CvM"), B = 1e4, control = NULL, override = NULL, verbose = TRUE,



A specification of the mean function to be tested. Methods exist for objects of classes function, formula, lm, and nls. See details.


Named list; specifies the covariance structure of the model's error distribution. Valid element names are "Sigma", "SqrtSigma", "P", and "Q", corresponding to the covariance matrix, the square root of the covariance matrix, the precision matrix, and the square root of the precision matrix, respectively. Each element must be one of the following:

  • a numeric matrix.

  • a numeric vector whose length is the sample size.

  • a numeric vector of length 1.

See details.


A character string or a list; specifies how to order the residuals to form the empirical partial sum process. Valid character strings are:

  • "asis": leaves the order unchanged (that is, in the order in which the observations appear in the supplied data).

  • "natural": orders residuals using column-wise ordering of the covariates.

  • "optimal": orders the residuals by ordering the observations using optimal transport on the covariates. The solution is estimated using the Hungarian method as implemented by solve_LSAP. This option can be very slow for large sets of covariates.

  • "simplex": (the default) orders residuals in order of increasing row sums of the covariates after each column has been scaled to the interval [0,1][0,1].

If ordering is a list, then its elements specify columns of X or data to use to determine the order. The elements can be column names or numbers, but not a mix of the two.


Logical; if TRUE, then columns specified by ordering are used to group observations (by summation) before forming the partial sum process. Can be TRUE only when ordering is "natural" or a list of column specifications.


Numeric matrix; specifies the Jacobian of the function evaluated at the covariates and the estimated parameters.


Numeric vector; specifies the model's fitted values.


Character vector; specifies the names of the functions used to calculate the desired statistics. By default, a Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistic and a Cramer–von Mises-like statistic are calculated:

KS=maxiaiandCvM=1ni=1nai2\hbox{KS} = \max_{i}|a_i|\qquad\hbox{and}\qquad\hbox{CvM} = {1\over n}\sum_{i=1}^na_i^2

where aia_i is term ii in the empirical partial sum process and nn is the sample size.


Numeric vector of length one; specifies the Monte Carlo sample size used when simulating statistics. Silently converted to integer.


Optional named list of elements that control the details of the algorithm's computations. The following elements are accepted for all methods:

  • symmetric: Optional named list or FALSE; if a named list, its elements are passed as arguments to isSymmetric when testing elements of covariance for symmetry. If FALSE, then this test is skipped.

  • matsqrt_tol: Numeric; specifies the threshold for considering an eigenvalue "too negative" when calculating the square root of a matrix. Must be non-positive. The default value is -.Machine$double.eps^0.25.

  • solve_tol: Numeric; passed as tol argument to solve, used in particular to invert Sigma. The default value is .Machine$double.eps.

  • qr_tol: Numeric; passed as tol argument to qr. The default value is sqrt(.Machine$double.eps). This value might need to be decreased when the dimensions of the Jacobian are sufficiently large.

  • orth_tol: Numeric; passed as tolerance argument to all.equal when testing whether or not rTrr^Tr is the identity matrix. The default value is sqrt(.Machine$double.eps).

  • trans_tol: Numeric; passed as tolerance argument to all.equal to internal transformation function when determining whether the normalizing scalar is non-zero. The default value is sqrt(.Machine$double.eps).

The following named elements, all but the first of which control the process of calculating the generalized least squares estimation of the parameter vector, are accepted for the function method:

  • jacobian_args: Optional list; specifies arguments to pass to jacobian.

  • optimization_fun: Optional function; specifies the function used to estimate the parameters. If not specified, optim is used with method = "BFGS".

  • fun_to_optimize_arg: Optional character string, required when optimization_fun is specified; specifies the name of the argument of optimization_fun that is assigned the function to optimize. For example, optim uses "fn".

  • theta_init_arg: Optional character string, required when optimization_fun is specified; specifies the name of the argument of optimization_fun that is assigned the initial parameter values for optimization. For example, optim uses "par".

  • theta_hat_name: Optional character string, required when optimization_fun is specified; specifies the name of the element of the output of optimization_fun that contains the estimated parameters. For example, optim uses "par" (the same character string that specifies the argument containing the initial values). See Warnings.

  • optimization_args: Optional list; specifies additional arguments to pass to optimization_fun.

Finally, the following element is available for the formula method:

  • method_args: Optional list of argument values to be passed to lm or nls, according to the value of the method argument.


Optional named list of arguments that override internally calculated values. Used primarily by update.distfreereg, but can be accessed directly. The following named elements are accepted:

  • J: Numeric matrix. Overrides the calculation of J by non-default methods.

  • fitted_values: Numeric vector of fitted values.

  • res_order: Integer vector specifying the permutation (analogous to the output of order) that orders the residuals for the computation of the partial sums. Overrides ordering.

  • theta_hat: Numeric vector. Used as the estimated parameter vector when test_mean has class function, overriding internal computation that would have used optimization_fun.

  • r: Numeric matrix. Overrides the construction of the transformation anchors.

  • mcsim_stats: List. Overrides the creation of the list of simulated statistics.


Logical; if TRUE, progress messages are printed. Default value is TRUE.


Additional arguments to pass to various methods; should be empty except in a call to the generic function.


Numeric vector of observations. A matrix value is silently converted to a vector.


Optional numeric matrix of covariates. A vector value is converted to a single-column matrix with a warning.


Character vector; specifies the function to use for fitting the model when test_mean is a formula. Possible values are "lm" and "nls", specifying lm and nls, respectively.


Numeric vector; specifies the starting parameter values passed to the optimizing function to be used to estimate the parameter vector. Must be NULL when method is "lm". Optional for formula method when method is "nls", but must be a named vector if present in this case.


Optional data frame of covariate values; required for formula method, must be absent otherwise.


This function implements distribution-free parametric regression testing. The model is specified by a mean structure and a covariance structure.

The mean structure is specified by the argument test_mean. This can be a function, formula, lm object, nls object, or NULL.

If test_mean is a function, then it must have one or two arguments: either theta only, or theta and either X (uppercase) or x (lowercase). An uppercase X is interpreted in the function definition as a matrix, while a lowercase x is interpreted as a vector. (See examples and this vignette.) The primary reason to use a lowercase x is to allow for a function definition using an R function that is not vectorized. In general, an uppercase X should be preferred for speed.

If test_mean is an lm or nls object, then the covariance structure is obtained from the supplied model.

If test_mean is a formula, then it must be a formula that can be passed to lm or nls, and the data argument must be specified. The appropriate model will be created, and then sent back to distfreereg() for method dispatch.

The function method estimates parameter values, and then uses those to evaluate the Jacobian of the mean function and to calculate fitted values. It then calls the default method, which does not use test_mean. The default method also allows the user to implement the algorithm even when the mean structure is not specified in R. (This is useful if a particularly complicated function is defined in another language and cannot easily be copied into R.) It requires specifying the vector of fitted values and the Jacobian matrix of the mean function evaluated at the estimated parameter values.

The covariance structure for YXY|X must be specified using the covariance argument for the function and default methods. It is optional for the formula method; when present in that case, it must specify a diagonal matrix which is converted internally into a vector of weights. For the lm and nls methods, the covariance is determined using the supplied object.

Any element of covariance can be a numeric matrix, or a numeric vector. If it is a vector, its length must be either 1 or the sample size. This option is mathematically equivalent to setting a covariance list element to a diagonal matrix with the specified value(s) along the diagonal. Using vectors, when possible, is more efficient than using the corresponding matrix.

Internally, distfreereg() only needs Q, so some efficiency can be gained by supplying that directly when available. When Q is not specified, it is calculated using whichever element is specified. When more than one of the other elements are specified, Q is calculated using the least expensive path, with no warning given if the specified elements are incompatible. (For example, if both Sigma and SqrtSigma elements are supplied to covariance, then Q is calculated using SqrtSigma with no attempt to verify that SqrtSigma is the matrix square root ofSigma.)

The override argument is used primarily by update.distfreereg to avoid unnecessary and potentially computationally expensive recomputation. This update method imports appropriate values automatically from a previously created object of class distfreereg, and therefore validation is not always done. Use manually with caution.


An object of class distfreereg with the following components:


The matched call.


A list containing data, if present, and Y and X.


The value supplied to the argument test_mean.


The model built when using the formula method; only present when using that method.


The list of covariance matrices, containing at least Q.


The estimated parameter vector.


The output of optimization_fun or nls from calculating theta_hat.


The vector of fitted values, f(X,θ^)f\bigl(X,\hat\theta\bigr).


The Jacobian matrix.


The mu matrix.


The matrix of transformation anchor vectors.


The matrix of modified transformation anchor vectors.


A named list of three vectors containing raw, sphered, and transformed residuals.


A numeric vector indicating the ordering of the residuals used to form the empirical partial sum process, in a format analogous to the output of order.


The empirical partial sum process formed by calculating the scaled partial sums of the transformed residuals ordered according to res_order.


A named list of the observed statistic(s) corresponding to the transformed residuals.


A named list, each element of which contains the values of a simulated statistic.


A named list with two elements: value, which contains the p-values for each observed statistic, and mcse, which contains the Monte Carlo standard errors for the p-values.


Consistency between test_mean and theta_init is verified only indirectly. Uninformative errors can occur when, for example, theta_init does not have the correct length. The two most common error messages that arise in this case are "f_out cannot have NA values", indicating that theta_init is too short, and "Unable to invert square root of J^tJ", indicating that theta_init is too long. (Both of these errors might occur for other reasons, as well.) To be safe, always define test_mean to use every element of theta.

No verification of consistency is done when multiple elements of coviariance are specified. For example, if P and Sigma are both specified, then the code will use only one of these, and will not verify that P is the inverse of Sigma.

When using the control argument element optimization_fun to specify an optimization function other than optim, the verification that theta_hat_name actually matches the name of an element of the optimization function's output is done only after the optimization has been done. If this optimization will likely take a long time, it is important to verify the value of theta_hat_name before running distfreereg().


Jesse Miller


Khmaladze, Estate V. Distribution-free testing in linear and parametric regression, 2021-03, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Vol. 73, No. 6, p. 1063–1087. doi:10.1007/s10463-021-00786-3

See Also

coef.distfreereg, confint.distfreereg, fitted.distfreereg, formula.distfreereg, plot.distfreereg, predict.distfreereg, print.distfreereg, residuals.distfreereg, update.distfreereg, vcov.distfreereg


n <- 1e2
func <- function(X, theta) X[,1]^theta[1] + theta[2]*X[,2]
Sig <- runif(n, min = 1, max = 3)
theta <- c(2,5)
X <- matrix(runif(2*n, min = 1, max = 5), nrow = n)
Y <- X[,1]^theta[1] + theta[2]*X[,2] + rnorm(n, sd = sqrt(Sig))
(dfr <- distfreereg(Y = Y, X = X, test_mean = func,
                    covariance = list(Sigma = Sig),
                    theta_init = c(1,1)))

func_lower <- function(x, theta) x[1]^theta[1] + theta[2]*x[2]
(dfr_lower <- distfreereg(Y = Y, X = X, test_mean = func_lower,
                          covariance = list(Sigma = Sig),
                          theta_init = c(1,1)))

identical(dfr$observed_stats, dfr_lower$observed_stats)

Extract Fitted Values from distfreereg Objects


This is a fitted method for objects of class distfreereg.


## S3 method for class 'distfreereg'
fitted(object, ...)



Object of class distfreereg.


Additional parameters passed to or from other methods. Currently ignored.


Numeric vector of fitted values.


Jesse Miller

See Also


Extract Formulas from distfreereg Objects


This is a formula method for objects of class distfreereg. It extracts the formula from a model in a distfreereg object.


## S3 method for class 'distfreereg'
formula(x, ...)



Object of class distfreereg.


Additional parameters passed to or from other methods. Currently ignored.


Formula extracted from x$test_mean, or NULL if such a formula cannot be extracted.


Jesse Miller

See Also


Formally Compare Observed and Simulated Statistics


This is a ks.test method for objects of class compare. It performs a two-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov test to compare the observed and simulated statistics in an object of class compare.


## S3 method for class 'compare'
ks.test(x, ..., stat = NULL)



Object of class compare.


Additional parameters passed to ks.test.


Character string specifying the statistic on which to run the test.


When stat is NULL, the default value is the first statistic appearing in the observed_stats element of object.


A list of the form specified in ks.test.


Jesse Miller

See Also

compare, distfreereg, ks.test


# In practice, set "reps" larger than 200.
n <- 100
func <- function(X, theta) theta[1] + theta[2]*X
Sig <- rWishart(1, df = n, Sigma = diag(n))[,,1]
theta <- c(2,5)
X <- matrix(rexp(n, rate = 1))
cdfr <- compare(true_mean = func, true_X = X, true_covariance = list(Sigma = Sig),
                test_mean = func, X = X, covariance = list(Sigma = Sig), reps = 200,
                prog = Inf, theta = theta, theta_init = rep(1, length(theta)))

ks.test(cdfr, stat = "CvM")

Summary and Diagnostic Plots for compare Objects


This is a plot method for objects of class compare. It automates the creation of four summary and diagnostic plots for compare objects.


## S3 method for class 'compare'
plot(x, y, ..., which = "cdf", stat = NULL, hlines = NULL, curve_args = NULL,
	confband_args = FALSE, density_args = NULL, poly = NULL, legend = NULL,
	qqline = NULL)



Object of class compare.


Optional object of class compare.


Additional parameters passed to a plotting function depending on the value of which: to plot for "cdf" and "dens"; to qqplot for "qq" and "qqp".


Character string. Acceptable values are "cdf", "dens", "qq", and "qqp":

  • "cdf" produces a plot of the estimated cumulative distribution functions of the two vectors of statistics being compared.

  • "dens" produces a plot of the estimated density functions of the two vectors of statistics being compared.

  • "qq" produces a quantile–quantile plot comparing the two vectors of statistics.

  • "qqp" produces a quantile–quantile plot comparing the p-values with uniform quantiles. (This is not available when y is present.)


Character string, specifies the statistic to plot.


An optional list of arguments to pass to abline, used to create the horizontal dashed lines when which is "cdf". Setting equal to FALSE prevents the call, and no lines are drawn.


An optional list used to pass arguments to lines (not curve!), used to create the curves when which is "cdf" or "dens". It can have two special named arguments, obs and mcsim, whose values must be lists. Those lists contain arguments passed to the calls to lines for plotting the curves for the observed and simulated statistics, respectively. Any other elements are passed to both calls.


An optional list of values that control the calculation and plotting of confidence bands when which is "cdf" or "dens". Any of the following named elements are allowed.

  • w: Numeric; the sequence of points on which to evaluate the confidence band. By default, the sequence is seq(from = min(x) + buffer, to = max(x) - buffer, length.out = m), where x is the vector of values of the statistic in question, and buffer is explained below.

  • m: Integer; the length of w, used only when w is NULL. The default value is 100.

  • batch_len: Integer; the batch length for the algorithm. The default value is 50.

  • N: Integer; the number of multivariate tt samples to use in the simulation.

  • conf.level: Numeric; the desired confidence level.

  • buffer: Numeric; the proportion of either side of the range of data to ignore when defining w, used only when w is NULL.

  • curve_args: An optional list of arguments passed to lines (again, not curve!), used to create the boundaries of the confidence band. It can have two special named arguments, obs and mcsim, which function in the same way as the corresponding elements of the curve_args argument described above.

  • polygon_args: An optional list of arguments passed to polygon, used to shade the confidence region. Setting equal to FALSE prevents the call, and no shading is done.

  • shade_col: This provides a shortcut to the col argument of polygon to change the color of the shaded region.

Setting equal to FALSE prevents calculation and plotting of the band.


An optional list of arguments passed to density when which is "dens", which calculates the points used to plot the density curves. The list can have two special named elements, obs and mcsim, which function in the same way as the corresponding elements of the curve_args argument described above.


An optional list of arguments passed to polygon when which is "dens", which shades the area under the density curves. The list can have two special named elements, obs and mcsim, which modify the shadings for their respective curves, analogous to their behavior in the curve_args argument. When poly is equal to FALSE, no call is made, and therefore no shading is done.


An optional list of arguments passed to legend when which is "cdf" or "dens". When equal to FALSE, no call is made, and therefore no legend is created.


An optional list of arguments passed to abline when which is "qq" or "qqp". By default, this plots the line y=xy=x. When equal to FALSE, no call is made, and therefore no line is plotted.


This function produces a plot of a type specified by which. The values plotted depend on whether or not y is present and the value of which. When y is present, the plots compare the observed statistics in x and the observed statistics in y. When y is missing, the plots compare the observed and simulated statistics in x. (The exception is when which is "qqp", which is only available when y is missing.)

When which is "cdf" or "dens", the plotting region and associated labels, tick marks, etc., are created by an initial call to plot. The curves themselves are drawn with lines. The arguments specified in ... are passed to the initial call to plot.


The values used to create the curves (or points, in the case of a Q–Q plot) are returned invisibly. The details depend on the value of which:

  • cdf: A list with two or four elements, all lists. The first two sub-lists contain the xx- and yy-values cdf curves. If confidence bands are plotted, then two additional elements are included with output from the confidence band calculations, including elements w, cb_lower, and cb_upper, which contain, respectively, the xx-coordinates for both the upper and lower bounds of the band, the yy-coordinates for the lower band, and the yy-coordinates for the upper band.

  • dens: A list with two or four elements, all lists. The first two sub-lists contain xx- and yy-values for the density curves. If confidence bands are plotted, then two additional sub-lists are supplied, with contents identical to what is described for "cdf".

  • qq, qqp: The output of qqplot.

For "cdf" and "dens", the names of the elements of the returned list depend on whether or not a value for the argument y was supplied.


Jesse Miller


Flegal, James M. et al. Simultaneous confidence bands for (Markov chain) Monte Carlo simulations, forthcoming.

See Also

distfreereg, compare

Summary and Diagnostic Plots for distfreereg Objects


This is a plot method for objects of class distfreereg. It automates the creation of three summary and diagnostic plots for distfreereg objects.


## S3 method for class 'distfreereg'
plot(x, which = "dens", stat = NULL, density_args = NULL, polygon_args = NULL,
	confband_args = NULL, abline_args = NULL, shade_col = rgb(1,0,0,0.5),
	text_args = NULL, ...)



Object of class distfreereg.


Character string. Acceptable values are "dens", "residuals", and "epsp":

  • "dens" produces a plot of the estimated density curve of the specified statistic.

  • "residuals" produces a plot of the transformed residuals in the order specified by x$res_order.

  • "epsp" produces a plot of the empirical partial sum process of the (ordered) transformed residuals.


Character vector of length one specifying the name of the statistic to plot when which is "dens". By default, the first statistic in x$observed_stats is used.


An optional list of arguments to pass to density.


An optional list of arguments to pass to polygon, used to shade under the density curve to the right of the value of the observed statistic. Setting equal to FALSE prevents the call, and no shading is done.


An optional list of values that control the calculation and plotting of confidence bands. Any of the following named elements are allowed.

  • w: Numeric; the sequence of points on which to evaluate the confidence band. By default, the sequence is seq(from = min(x) + buffer, to = max(x) - buffer, length.out = m, where x is the vector of values of the statistic in question, and buffer is explained below.

  • m: Integer; the length of w, used only when w is NULL. The default value is 100.

  • batch_len: Integer; the batch length for the algorithm. The default value is 50.

  • N: Integer; the number of multivariate tt samples to use in the simulation.

  • conf.level: Numeric; the desired confidence level.

  • buffer: Numeric; the proportion of either side of the range of data to ignore when defining w, used only when w is NULL.

  • curve_args: An optional list of arguments passed to lines (not curve!), used to create the boundaries of the confidence band.

  • polygon_args: An optional list of arguments passed to polygon, used to shade the confidence region. Setting equal to FALSE prevents the call, and no shading is done.

  • shade_col: This provides a shortcut to the col argument of polygon to change the color of the shaded region.

Setting equal to FALSE prevents calculation and plotting of the confidence band.


An optional list of arguments to pass to abline, used to draw a vertical line at the value of the observed statistic. Setting equal to FALSE prevents the call, and no line is drawn.


Character string or other value specifying the color to use to shade the upper tail of the distribution. Default value is red with 50% transparency. This is a convenience argument, and the same functionality is available by defining a col element in the polygon_args argument.


An optional list of arguments to pass to text, used to label the vertical line with the p-value of the observed statistic. Setting equal to FALSE prevents the call, and no text is printed.


Additional arguments to pass to plot.


This function produces one of three specified plots, depending on the value of which.

When which is "dens", a plot of the estimated density of the simulated statistics is produced, including a vertical line at the value of the observed test statistic with the p-value displayed.

The default placement of the p-value text is on the left side of the line indicating the statistic value. Specifically, the default values of x and y passed to text are the statistic value itself and the midpoint between zero and the maximum value of the density curve. The default value passed to adj is c(1,0.5), meaning that the text is aligned to the left of the value (x,y)(x,y) and centered vertically on it. (The default value for the text itself, which can be modified via the label argument of text, includes a space on the left and the right for padding so the text does not overlap the vertical line itself.) To align the text so it appears on the right side (for example, to avoid overlapping the density curve), use text_args = list(adj = c(0,0.5)). See documentation for text for details on this and other arguments.

When which is "residuals", a time-series-like plot is produced showing transformed residuals in the order given by x$res_order. In the case that the null hypothesis is rejected, this plot can help determine where (in terms of the linearly ordered covariates) a discrepancy between the model and the data occurs.

When which is "epsp", a plot of the empirical partial sum process is produced; that is, the yy-values are

yj=1ni=1je^iy_j = {1\over\sqrt{n}}\sum_{i=1}^j\hat e_i

where e^i\hat e_i is the iith transformed residual in the order given by x$res_order. Similar to the case when which is "residuals", this plot can help determine where (in terms of the linearly ordered covariates) a discrepancy between the model and the data occurs.


When which is "dens", the values used to create the density plot are returned invisibly in a list with two named elements, x and y. If the confidence band is plotted, then it is included as an element named confband.

For other values of which, nothing is returned.


Jesse Miller


Flegal, James M. et al. Simultaneous confidence bands for (Markov chain) Monte Carlo simulations, forthcoming.

See Also


Generate Predicted Values from distfreereg Objects


This is a predict method for objects of class distfreereg.


## S3 method for class 'distfreereg'
predict(object, ..., newdata)



Object of class distfreereg.


Additional parameters affecting the predictions produced. Currently ignored.


Optional matrix or data frame of new covariate values. If missing, the fitted values are returned.


When object$test_mean is of class "lm" or "nls", object$test_mean is sent to predict for method dispatch. When object$test_mean is of class "formula", object$model is sent to predict.


Numeric vector of predicted values.


Jesse Miller

See Also


Printing distfreereg Objects


This is a print method for objects of class distfreereg.


## S3 method for class 'distfreereg'
print(x, ..., digits = 3, col_sep = 2)



Object of class distfreereg.


Additional parameters, currently ignored.


Integer; passed to signif to determine the number of significant digits to display.


Integer; specifies the padding (in units of spaces) between columns in the printed table of statistics.


This function prints a useful summary of the distfreereg object.


No return value (NULL).


Jesse Miller

See Also


Compute Rejection Rates of a Distribution-Free Test


Compute the rejection rates of the tests simulated in a compare object. Specifically, this function estimates the rejection rates of the tests conducted with specified statistics of the hypothesis that the mean function is test_mean when the true mean function is true_mean.


rejection(object, alpha = 0.05, stat = names(object[["observed_stats"]]), ...)



Object of class compare.


Numeric vector; specifies the α\alpha-levels to use. Passed as probs argument to quantile.


Character vector; specifies the names of the statistics to use. The default value computes the rejection rate associated with every statistic in object.


Additional arguments to pass to quantile to estimate the 1α1-\alpha quantiles of the distribution of simulated statistics.


Data frame containing estimated rejection rates and associated Monte Carlo standard errors, with one row for each combination of stat and alpha elements.


The reported Monte Carlo standard error does not account for the uncertainty of the estimation of the 1α1-\alpha quantiles of the distribution of simulated statistics. The number of Monte Carlo simulations should be large enough to make this estimate sufficiently accurate that it can be considered known for practical purposes. The standard errors of estimated quantiles can be calculated using the mcmcse package.


Jesse Miller

See Also

distfreereg, compare


# In practice, set "reps" larger than 200.
n <- 100
func <- function(X, theta) theta[1] + theta[2]*X
Sig <- rWishart(1, df = n, Sigma = diag(n))[,,1]
theta <- c(2,5)
X <- matrix(rexp(n, rate = 1))
cdfr <- compare(true_mean = func, true_X = X, true_covariance = list(Sigma = Sig),
                test_mean = func, X = X, covariance = list(Sigma = Sig), reps = 200,
                prog = Inf, theta = theta, theta_init = rep(1, length(theta)))

rejection(cdfr, stat = "CvM")
rejection(cdfr, alpha = c(0.1, 0.2))

Extract Residuals from distfreereg Objects


This is a residuals method for objects of class distfreereg. It can extract any of the three available types of residuals.


## S3 method for class 'distfreereg'
residuals(object, ..., type = "raw")



Object of class distfreereg.


Additional parameters passed to or from other methods. Currently ignored.


Character string specifying the type of residuals to return. Must be one of "raw", "sphered", and "transformed".


Numeric vector of residuals.


Jesse Miller

See Also


Update distfreereg Objects


This is an update method for objects of class distfreereg. The method takes advantage of the override argument of distfreereg to prevent unnecessary recalculation of potentially computationally expensive objects.


## S3 method for class 'distfreereg'
update(object, ..., smart = TRUE, envir = parent.frame())



Object of class distfreereg.


Additional named parameters to pass to distfreereg.


Logical. If TRUE, then saved values from object are passed to distfreereg using the override argument, when they need not themselves be updated. See details.


Environment passed to eval when evaluating modified call.


This function updates an object of class distfreereg. By default, it does so "intelligently" in the sense that it does not unnecessarily recompute elements that are already saved in object. For example, if a new value for covariance is not included in ..., then the value of covariance saved in object is automatically passed to the new call, preventing recalculating Q. If a new value of covariance is specified, then all objects dependent on that (e.g., θ^\hat\theta) are recomputed.

In particular, the simulated samples depend on the data and function only through the number of observations, the covariates (if any), and the dimension of the parameter space of the function. If none of these change, then the updated object reuses the simulated samples from the supplied object.

The price we pay for this efficiency is a potentially "large" value of call in the updated object.


An updated object of class distfreereg.


The default behavior of update is to create an updated call and then evaluate that call. This means, among other things, that a call to update made after one of the arguments in the original call is modified will use the modified version of that argument. This is not always true for update.distfreereg. Values for the override arguments are drawn from the distfreereg object itself, not from any objects used as values for the original call to distfreereg.

In general, an object created by update.distfreereg will therefore not be identical to the object created by distfreereg using corresponding arguments, because the call values will differ.


Jesse Miller

See Also



n <- 1e2
func <- function(X, theta) X[,1]^theta[1] + theta[2]*X[,2]
Sig <- runif(n, min = 1, max = 3)
theta <- c(2,5)
X <- matrix(runif(2*n, min = 1, max = 5), nrow = n)
Y <- X[,1]^theta[1] + theta[2]*X[,2] + rnorm(n, sd = sqrt(Sig))
dfr_1 <- distfreereg(Y = Y, X = X, test_mean = func,
                     covariance = list(Sigma = Sig),
                     theta_init = c(1,1))

func_updated <- function(X, theta) X[,1]^theta[1] + theta[2]*X[,2]^2
dfr_2 <- update(dfr_1, test_mean = func_updated)

# The following are identical, since the Monte Carlo simulation did not need to
# be rerun for dfr_2, and was therefore copied from dfr_1.
identical(dfr_1$mcsim_stats, dfr_2$mcsim_stats)

Calculate Covariance Matrices from distfreereg Objects


This is a vcov method for objects of class distfreereg. It calculates an estimated covariance matrix of the estimated parameters in a model from a distfreereg object.


## S3 method for class 'distfreereg'
vcov(object, ..., jacobian_args, hessian_args)



Object of class distfreereg.


Additional parameters passed to other methods when test_mean element of object is not of class function.

jacobian_args, hessian_args

Lists of additional arguments to pass to jacobian and hessian.


When the test_mean element of object is of class function, the covariance matrix is estimated using the method described in section 5.3 of Van der Vaart (1998). Otherwise, test_mean is of a class that has its own method for vcov, which is used to calculate the output.


Named numeric matrix equal to the estimated covariance matrix of the parameter estimates from object.


This calculation can be computationally intensive when the sample size is large and object$test_mean is a function.


If object was created by calling distfreereg.default directly, there is no estimated parameter vector, and therefore vcov.distfreereg does not apply.


Jesse Miller


Vaart, A. W. Asymptotic statistics, 2007, Cambridge series on statistical and probabilistic mathematics, Cambridge University Press.

See Also

distfreereg, confint.distfreereg